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Google sued due to defective Google Pixel smartphones

In 2016, Google Corporation with the pomp announced the release of new smartphones with a "clean" Android OS. This is a model of Pixel. The phones turned out to be powerful, fast - it seems to be just what most consumers need. But over time, it turned out that everything was not so smooth. At various forums and other resources, users complained about the problems with the microphone, then the speakers, then with everything together. There were more and more such messages, that is, the problem really existed.

But it seems that the corporation did not pay enough attention to the problem. As a result, dissatisfied users began to sue. A collective action lawsuit filed by dissatisfied users was recently sued by a law firm that specializes in such cases.

The plaintiffs include Patricia Weeks from Florida from Walid Anbar from California. They both claim to have bought smartphones in 2016. But a few months later, the phones showed another problem, not mentioned above - the microphone refused to work. As a result, the Weeks vs. Google trial started last week in San Jose, California.

The plaintiffs are unhappy that after they took the phones to the warranty service, they were refused to replace the defective device or return the money paid for the goods.

“Mrs. Weeks did not know that Pixel had a defective microphone, so she purchased the device. If Google had initially stated the problem, it would not have bought the device, or it would have paid much less, ”the court appeal says.

The most interesting thing is that the phone Vicks at the time of detection of the defect was still under warranty. She bought the phone in December 2016, and the problem was reported to Google in March 2017. As for Anbar, there was no guarantee here - the phone was purchased in December 2016, and the man notified the company about the problem in January 2018.

After this became known, other users began to share information about their own problem with Pixel phone microphones - it is clear that it turned out to be relevant not only for Weeks and Anbar devices. The trial has all chances to end in favor of the plaintiffs, since Google has a clear statement in terms of the guarantee that if the phone has problems, the company will change it or return the funds - as much as was paid on the day of purchase.

Lawyers who defend the interests of the plaintiffs ask a rhetorical question: “Why devices that cost many hundreds of dollars do not work as they should. Who checks the quality of the company's products and how? ” As far as can be judged, usually the company, anxiously concerned with its systems, this time did not test its products too well. For which, most likely, and pay.

And the problem with the first model of Pixel is not limited to. In 2017, the company released two flagship smartphones at once - the model Pixel 2 and Pixel 2 XL . Immediately after the release, both received rave reviews, seasoned with epithets like "the best Android smartphone." Then came the first negative reviews. The problem was in the screens - the displays of some copies burned out for several days.

The problem is that the design of the phone used screens such as P-OLED , which in fact can fade. But this only happens when a static picture is shown on the display. Samsung has been using such screens for a long time in its production process, so it’s aware of the problems of burnout. To prevent this from happening, elements moving around the screen are used, for example, a button on the Galaxy S8.

But on Google’s phones, the display may lose the brightness of the colors or even stop showing anything at all just a few days after the purchase. The vice-president of the company, when it became known about the problem, stated the following : “We carefully consider all the comments, and our engineers respond to all this. We plan to release updates as soon as the test results are known. ”

In addition, users of these phones are also faced with the problem of a “black spot”, which is formed after a dark-colored object (in a game or application) moves around the screen.

And one more problem concerns the speakers. Both models of smartphones (some instances) make extraneous noise that is not related to the sound reproduction on the phone itself. In most cases, this is a high-frequency squeak, similar to how some chargers “squeak”. And the noise is heard during a telephone conversation.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/410311/