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Configuring Single Sign-On in Zimbra Collaboration Suite

Along with Active Directory, one of the important technologies to ensure the user experience even with the strictest password security policy is Single Sign-On technology. This technology allows employees, after the next password change, to go through the authentication procedure once and after successful completion, to gain access to all corporate resources automatically. In the event that you are using the Zimbra Collaboration Suite, you may want to configure SSO on it. Below we describe how to do this.


If you configured authorization in Zimbra via AD according to the instructions from the previous article, then the principle of configuring SSO will be to create a keytab file in Kerberos, as well as a special account account in AD, configure SPNEGO on the Zimbra server and issue certificates for using SSO to all users . We especially note that it is extremely important to create backup copies of the files in which these or other changes will be made, and store them in separate folders so that unforeseen problems will not turn into major troubles for you.

First of all, we need to create a ticketer account in Zimbra and prohibit it from changing the password, as well as create a Service Principal Name (SPN) in Kerberos for the account-billing account on the domain controller. This can be done using the setspn –A mail.domain.com ticketer command , after which you must verify the result using the setspn –L ticketer command . After this, we create a key-file on the domain controller using a command like this:

ktpass -out c:\keys\jetty.keytab -princ HTTP/mail.domain.com@domain.local -mapUser ticketer -mapOp set -pass !@#$%& -crypto RC4-HMAC-NT -pType KRB5_NT_PRINCIPAL 

After the keytab file is successfully created, you will need to move it to the Zimbra Collaboration Suite server in the / opt / zimbra / data / mailboxd / spnego / and / opt / zimbra / jetty / folders , and then you need to change the access rights to them:

 chown ticketer:zimbra /opt/zimbra/data/mailboxd/spnego/jetty.keytab chown ticketer:zimbra /opt/zimbra/jetty/jetty.keytab 


Now let's proceed to setting up the SPNEGO utility built into the Zimbra Collaboration Suite, which will work with the previously created .keytab file. You can configure SPNEGO using the following commands:

 su zimbrazmprov mcf zimbraSpnegoAuthEnabled TRUE zmprov mcf zimbraSpnegoAuthRealm domain.local zmprov ms mail.domain.com zimbraSpnegoAuthTargetName HTTP/mail.domain.com zmprov ms mail.domain.com zimbraSpnegoAuthPrincipal HTTP/mail.domain.com zmprov md domain.com zimbraAuthKerberos5Realm domain.local zmprov md domain.com zimbraWebClientLoginURL '/service/spnego' zmprov md domain.com zimbraWebClientLogoutURL '../?sso=1' 

The next step is to bring the settings file /opt/zimbra/jetty/etc/krb5.ini into something like the following:

 [libdefaults] default_realm = domain.local dns_lookup_realm = no dns_lookup_kdc = no kdc_timesync = 1 ticket_lifetime = 24h default_keytab_name = FILE:/opt/zimbra/data/mailboxd/spnego/jetty.keytab default_tgs_enctypes = arcfour-rc4-md5 rc4-hmac des-cbc-crc des-cbc-md5 default_tkt_enctypes = arcfour-rc4-md5 rc4-hmac des-cbc-crc des-cbc-md5 permitted_enctypes = arcfour-rc4-md5 rc4-hmac des-cbc-crc des-cbc-md5 [realms] domain.local = { kdc = dc.domain.local admin_server = dc.domain.local default_domain = domain.local } [appdefaults] autologin = true forwardable=true 

After that, you need to configure the users' browsers by adding the mail.domain.com values ​​to the network.neg in all fields with the word uris in the title. You can speed up this process by using group policies.

The final touch is to update the authorization settings via AD in the Zimbra Collaboration Suite:

 su zimbra zmprov md domain.ru +zimbraAutoProvAuthMech SPNEGO +zimbraAutoProvAuthMech KRB5 +zimbraAutoProvAuthMech PREAUTH +zimbraAutoProvAuthMech LDAP zmcontrol restart 

Done! Now, in Zimbra, not only correctly working Single Sign-On is configured, but also automatic creation of mailboxes when the user first logs in to the server, authorized by SSO.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/438456/