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Corporate reality

Lena picked up her bag from the floor, opened it wider, looked at the contents and sighed heavily. She pondered for a few seconds, as a result she squashed a displeased grimace and began to lay the contents on the table.

Lipstick, a few multicolored candies, a wet KFC napkin, ordinary paper napkins with the logo of a restaurant, a comb, chewing gum packaging, another comb, the book “Passion of Amber: a little,” a lighter, foundation, several written , crumpled stickers, maps of boutiques and supermarket chains, a large notebook with lots of colorful bookmarks, and so on. Sergey, bored at first, showed more and more interest to the contents of Lena's bag. How many years you have lived in the world, do not cease to be surprised by this process.

- Hooray! - Lena finally exclaimed. “I thought I forgot at home!”

She removed a small plastic bag with a bunch of paperwork inside from her bag. Sergey managed to notice that there were still two times more artifacts in the bag than Lena managed to put on the table.

- Here they are, little questions. - smiling, Lena unwrapped the package and took out the papers. - So, where is she ...

- Who?

- Oh, so ...

Lena looked through one piece of paper after another, but did not find what she was looking for. Papers began to repeat, because Lena folded viewed back into the bag. Finally, she realized that the algorithm was no good, threw the notes on the table and began to look one at a time and put the unsuitable in the package. After a couple of minutes, the search was successfully completed.

- Has found! - Lena exclaimed triumphantly. - The first question: what books do you recommend to read to those who want to engage in change?

- Let me guess. Question from Evgeny Viktorovich?

- Well, yes, he did not hide it, even signed.

- Okay ... My answer: do not listen to anyone, including my recommendations.

- Why? Oh, stay! - Lena caught herself and picked up the smartphone from the table. - I forgot to turn on the voice recorder!

She fiddled a bit with the smartphone and continued.

- So, the question is: Sergey, what books do you recommend to read to those who want to engage in change?

- My answer: do not listen to anyone's recommendations, including mine. - repeated Sergey.

- Okay ... Let me paraphrase, I hope Evgeny Viktorovich will not be offended. What books have helped you the most in your work, career, and so on?

- Dunno and his friends. - not at all embarrassed, Sergey answered.

- Damn, Sergey ... What are you doing again clowning.

- I'm serious. When did you last read Dunno?

- I do not remember ... As a child, I guess.

- And I last month. Amazingly wise book. Remember, there was, for example, such a writer ... What was his name ... He lived in Zmeevka ... Oh, Smekailo.

- Do not remember that…

- Well, yes, this is not the main character. But he is damn revealing. He was called a writer, although he did not write a single book in his life, even a tiny one. Do you know why?

- Why?

- Because he missed something all the time. That table, then a chair, then some device tricky. And he put everything off, and put it off, did not write, but was only called a writer. He was friends with Screw - this is a local mechanic.

- I remember the mechanics ... Even two - Cog and Shpuntik.

- Yes, these were also. And Shurupchik, he lived in Zmeevka, and made Smekaile all sorts of equipment, including a mud monitor.

- What is it?

- This is a prototype of an aggressive advertising policy of Google and the like. Priborchik who overheard conversations. Smekailo left him near the houses of other residents, turned on, he wrote everything down, and the writer then listened.

- What for?

- To find the plot in their life - he himself could not think of it. Well, he thought so that he could not. And the people lit up about his murmur, and began to fool around - howl, moo, cackle, and so on. In the end, nothing good he learned could not. That would be Google just to fill up with his analysis of preferences ...

“So, okay ... Why did you tell me this?”

- You asked which books help me. I answered - Dunno.

- Well, what helped you Dunno? - with a sigh asked Lena.

- How what? - Sergey was surprised. - And you do not understand?

- No, to be honest. - a bit hostile answered Lena.

- Well, what about ... Here you are, in your department, a particular such Lena, want to introduce changes?

- Yes of course.

- Why not implement?

- I have no authority.

“Do you need authority to put order on the table?”

- No ... - Lena hesitated, because remembered her desk - the same as the bag.

- Do you like everything in the information system?

- Well, not quite. I have long wanted to discuss with you this moment. When we issue a specification with a supplier, we need to note in the approval system so that the order goes further. And it is inconvenient to search - well, those specifications where this check box should be entered.

- How long do you want to discuss this with me?

- I do not remember, to be honest ... What?

“Do you need credentials to discuss this with me?” Or to set a task for programmers?

- It seems not ... I do not know.

“You all know, no authority is needed.” Our users assign tasks directly to programmers, without coordination and technical assignment. Your task is not only useful, it is also very simple to implement. But you do not put it, everyone is waiting for something. What, by the way?

- Damn, Sergey, I do not know. Just somehow I was too busy, or maybe shy, I don't know.

- Well, now you understand what helps Dunno?

- Would you like to say that for me, like this your Smekaila, nothing really bothers you?

- Yes.

- I see. - Lena nodded. - Is there anything else besides Dunno?

- Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn.

“What can these wonderful characters teach us?” - Lena put her elbow on the table and rested her chin with her fist.

- Yes, you do not seem interested. - Sergey squinted.

- No, that you are very interesting. The person who, by the will of fate, has led the strategic development of the company, will now recount Karl Marx to me.

- Mark Twain.

- What?

- Mark Twain wrote Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn.

- Oh, well, sorry. - Lena leaned back in her chair. - Sergey, honestly, it seems to me that we are wasting time in vain.

- So let's stop. - smiled and shrugged Sergei. - Just in case, let me remind you that it was you who came to me, and not me to you. Your idea initially seems meaningless to me.

- And to me, not initially, but specifically now. I normally asked you about the books, and you give out the list of references for extracurricular reading.

Sergey sighed heavily, pursed his lips and fell silent. Lena looked at him for a few seconds, then stopped recording on the recorder.

- Ok, Sergey. - Lena rose from the chair. - Stay alone with your ego. I'll go on the table tidying up. At least some benefit from the conversation.

Lena did not have time to leave the office when the door swung open and Kurchatov appeared. In a bright pink jacket sporty style, fun hat with long ears and ski pants.

- Hello! - the owner greeted him cheerfully. - Well, how is the interview?

Lena returned to the chair in small steps and quietly sat down.

- Everything is in order, Evgeny Viktorovich! She smiled tightly. - We are recording, it turns out very interesting. Pereryvchik did, now we continue.

- What question are you discussing now? - the owner pulled up a chair, sat down on the other side of Sergey.

- Your question about the book.

- Oh, this is a smart theme. I will listen, if you do not mind? Sergey, how are you?

- Fine. - Sergey shrugged his shoulders.

- That's great. What is already listed?

Lena began to fuss, started rummaging around in her bag again, for some reason she took out a notebook and began to leaf through it.

- Dunno made. - Sergey answered.

- Perfectly! - exclaimed Kurchatov. - One of my favorite books! I love to read her children, there are so many beautiful metaphors! Simple and understandable, in contrast to the same Alice in the mirror. I do not know how far and deep Nosov looked when he wrote this book, but it turned out great! What else?

- While all. - Lena answered sluggishly. - Sergey, what's next?

Sergey pretended to think. He looked intently at Kurchatov, trying, for some reason, to guess his mood.

- Okay. - finally said Sergey. - Write down.

Lena hastily turned on the voice recorder and showed her willingness to listen with all her appearance.

- Eliyahu Goldratt, "Target" and "Choice." More precisely, “The Choice” was written by his daughter, but it doesn’t matter - there’s no question about Goldratt himself. What is interesting is not a business novel, but, so to speak, an ordinary book, with an acceptable and understandable description of some projects. Well, Goldratt's business model is described.

- What model? - Kurchatov became interested.

- They fit to raise the turnover in retail networks, applying the theory of restrictions, for a percentage of the growth in turnover. It seems, from the point of view of the client, a win-win scheme. But Goldratt was so confident in his theory that he was not particularly afraid. True, he did not bother with any trifle, only with large, transnational networks.

- Interesting. - the owner said thoughtfully. - We would have such consultants ...

- But we are not retail. - barely audible said Lena.

- No, it's basically. - answered Kurchatov. - When the consultant does not take money for his watch, or stages, but only a percentage of the result. If someone came now, and offered to double my profit, I would gladly give half of this increase, without any hesitation.

- Funny. - Sergey smiled. - It seems the goal of our strategic project is to increase profits three times in three years.

A shadow passed over Kurchatov’s face, but he quickly coped with his emotions and smiled.

- Do not worry, I will not hurt. - said the owner and patted Sergei on the shoulder.

- Yes, I'm not afraid. - Sergei shrugged his shoulders, from which the hand of Kurchatov fell off - it turned out not very beautiful.

- So, okay. - continued Kurchatov. - I am sure that the theory of restrictions will be used here. By the way, Sergey, where exactly? I have a few ideas on this.

- What are your ideas?

Kurchatov stopped.

- No, let me tell you. - he continued after a pause.

- Yes, yours are more interesting to me. - as if nothing had happened, Sergey asked.

“Okay, you got it ...” smiled Kurchatov. - I have no ideas. Maybe in production? Or in design development?

- Not. - Sergey shook his head. - On the production with this bad.

- Why? - suddenly asked Lena. - I read "The Goal", there is just about the production.

- And how are you?

“What about me?”

- How do you like the book?

- To be honest ... - Lena was silent for a couple of seconds, gaining courage. - To be honest, not very.

- Why?

- It seemed to me that there is too much narcissism of the author.

- Where exactly? In which place?

“Well, in the same place, one of the heroes is a clear prototype of Goldratt himself.” Jonah, it seems.

“What's wrong with him?” - Sergey asked with interest.

- Some kind of it ... It hurt clever or something, it turned out. This is a novel, albeit a business. The heroes must have some kind of internal struggle, flaws, and this Jonah is a standard. And they carry him in limousines, and he has no free time, and he knows everything, he can do everything ...

- And he is the same as we are, just naked. - continued, smiling, Sergey.

- What?

- Cartoon about Mowgli watched? Soviet.

- Yes, why…

- There banderlogi admired Mowgli, then kidnapped him. They said that he was the same as they, just naked. - here Sergey understood that his metaphor did not stop and stopped. - Nevermind…

- Here you go. At first it was interesting to read, then somehow ... I do not know. As I imagine, such a Goldratt sits, writes, admires himself. He comes up with new difficulties for the heroes, and Jonah is always well done, he knows about all the problems before they arise, he finds answers to all the questions, and in general.

- You know, Lena. - suddenly entered Kurchatov. - No offense to you, but to rob yourself like this - you need to have remarkable complexes. I know you for a long time, you are a good, cheerful girl, and an excellent specialist, but it seems to be a bust to interfere in one heap with the author and the work.

- Yes, I did not interfere ... That is, did not mix ...

- You repeated the mistake of most people. - Kurchatov missed Lena’s comments. - Do you know how it sounds?

- Not. - quietly said Lena.

Kurchatov paused and looked intently at the face of the girl, who was beginning to blush.

- Hey, what are you doing? - he smiled. - Relax, I do not blame you. We do not have a formal conversation. You are, as I recall, in the strategic change team?

- Yes. - as quietly said Lena.

- Well, consider that we have the first meeting of the team. - Kurchatov put his hand on Lena's shoulder and shook him slightly. - Lena, come on, do not be depressed! You have a lot to learn, but if you will for every reason, I apologize, dismiss the nurses, then nothing will come of it. Change is a very difficult task, it requires strong spirit. Do you understand?

Lena had time to relax a bit, and her voice stopped trembling.

- Yes, I understand, Evgeny Viktorovich. She wanted to quickly take the conversation away from her identity back to Goldratt. - I will take into account your comment on the future.

- Well! - exclaimed Kurchatov. - Here, always be like that! My advice to you: never interfere with the identity of the author in the text that he wrote. Undoubtedly, the person is there - the author misses the experiences of the characters through himself. Someone may even give their features. But not because self-promotion or narcissism is engaged in - just more convenient. After all, you know your features, thoughts, and feelings better than others. Consider this to be such a technique.

- I understood, Evgeny Viktorovich.

- Well ... Otherwise we will not be able to read books. Take some Fandorin, and only you will think - that’s why the damn Akunin thinks he is! And all the women love him, and he owns the secrets of Japanese ninjas all over Europe, and with kings he is on a short leg. And Pushkin imagines himself to be Gvidon, who grew up in a barrel in a few hours, and conquered princess Lebed. But Dostoevsky decided from something that he understands the human soul best of all in this world, although he played himself in cards and wrote tearful letters to the editors asking him to send money to finish the novels. Agreed?

- Yes. - Lena has already become uneasy, and she resolutely turned her attention to the third participant. - Sergey, we stopped on the application of the theory of restrictions on production.

- Yes. - Sergey shook his head to wake up from a stupor. “Ironically, Goldratt didn’t like production.”

- That is, as?

- Well, like this. No, in the books, he paints everything beautifully, and in his business he tried to work only with retail, because there the response to changes comes much faster. Production and design activities tried not to take. The risks are higher, the time is longer, the exhaust is less. Sly he. Was.

- Seriously? - To Lena, whether the truth was interesting, or decided to go with the flow. - And how to be?

- How to be? No

- In terms of? We will not apply this theory in production?

- We will, why not. You just need to understand that there is little real practice, including that of Goldratt himself. There is a small description of the project on Hitachi, in the article "Standing on the shoulders of the titans," well, and fantasies from "Goals". Next - yourself.

- What are you doing?

- Well, you have to think for yourself, with your head. Take the fundamental principles and try to adapt them to their realities. All as the grandfather bequeathed.

- What is grandfather? - Lena asked puzzled.

- Goldratt. He is so often called on the Internet - Grandpa Eliyahu.

“Hmm, interesting ...” said Kurchatov thoughtfully. - Did not know…

All were briefly silenced, apparently thinking about the doctrine and the fate of the great grandfather Eliyah. Lena sat motionless for some time, but soon began to crawl on a chair, showing impatience. Apparently, there were some other plans during the holidays, besides participating in a strange interview.

- Sergey, what else will we add to the list? She asked in a cheerful tone.

“Scrum it, this is a book by Jeff Sutherland.” Only the book must be, and not articles or guides.

- Why?

- Because only the book normally explains what scrum is and why it is needed. Evgeny Viktorovich, do you agree?

- Of course! I also read this book - awesome!

- Oh, tell me more. - Lena turned to Kurchatov.

- So, stop, you're taking the interview from Sergey, and not from me. - smiled the owner.

- I'm not against. - sluggishly said Sergei. - Tell me, I'm also interested to listen.

- Good. - nodded Kurchatov. - Scrum is a technique that allows you to speed up any activity at times, up to eight. Can you imagine?

“It is hard to believe, to be honest ...” Lena replied, although her entire appearance betrayed unaccountable faith.

- In vain! Because I want your purchasing department to switch to scrum!

- Great idea! - caught Lena.

- Shit idea. - just as sluggishly said Sergey.

Never before did Sergey see a man blush so quickly. Kurchatov endured, but Lena ... She was obviously ready to fall through the ground. The owner was silent, looking intently at the offender. The former cheerful expression of the face was replaced by shifted eyebrows, which suddenly became thin lips and narrowed eyes.

- Explain? - finally forced out of himself Kurchatov.

- I will explain. - Sergey clearly underestimated the seriousness of the situation. - You, Evgeny Viktorovich, I apologize, manager.

- I never thought it was a flaw. - he answered dryly.

- In this case, this is the case. Worse, you are not just a manager, you are an entrepreneur. Your goal is opportunity. Niches, markets, mistakes of competitors, weaknesses of decision makers of clients, sanctions with import substitution, acceleration of the work of people on the ball. Without understanding the principles.

- What principles do you think I didn't understand?

- Clean Scrum - it's about project activities. What is the difference between a project and a routine?

- Come on come on your version.

- Uniqueness, first. The same design tasks. Therefore, they write on stickers. Try to write the tasks of the supply department on the stickers.

- Lena, will it work? - addressed Kurchatov to Lena, who managed to lose the red color, and now was as white as chalk.

“I ... I don't know, Viktor Evgenievich ...” she mumbled.

- I know. - Sergey responded. “No shit.” More precisely, it turns out nonsense - a bunch of stickers with the same repetitive tasks, such as "order sleeves", "agree on a pricing protocol" or "specify delivery times." If you force people to carry out their routine duties in the form of stickers, then no one will read, let alone follow them. The result is a typical surrogate, born of a sick imagination of a manager trying to jump out of his own shorts.

It was a pity to look at Lena. The atmosphere so squeezed her shoulders drooped, her neck almost disappeared, and her eyes turned into two small slits, as if they did not want to see what was happening. Kurchatov was silent, but suddenly began fumbling through his pockets, pulled out a smartphone, looked at him and abruptly rose from his chair.

- Sorry, I have an urgent matter. I'll be back soon.

And scooted out of the office. Sergey sighed heavily, took a pen from the table and began to nibble it hard. He tried so hard that after half a minute a hole appeared in the plastic cap, through which the core had come out. Then Sergey switched to his nails.

Suddenly his phone vibrated. Sergey unlocked it - a message came to the messenger. From Kurchatov. “Tell me I went to smoke.” I am waiting in my office. ”

Sergei panic swept. A thought flashed through my mind to pull the battery out of my smartphone, and then say I forgot it at home. But in the messenger, near the message, two green checkmarks were already treacherously flaunted.

Nothing to do. Sergey got up, and barely holding himself on cotton legs, he dragged himself to the second floor. When he reached the owner's office, he knocked quietly on the door.

- Come on in. - I heard a strict, emotionless voice.

Sergey entered. Kurchatov stood with his back to the door and looked out the window. There were no jackets on it - there was a fleece sports jacket under it.

- You, ***, absolutely *** or what? - without turning, asked Kurchatov in the same even tone.

- BUT?- Sergey asked.

- Bae, ***. Who do you think you are, *** clever? What are you doing? - Kurchatov turned to Sergei.
For many years of work in the company, Sergey never saw the owner as such. It happened, of course, that he was screaming, scolding people, publicly dismissing, but so that ... By surprise, Sergei did not know what to say. But Kurchatov continued to attack.

- I tell you who, druzhan-companion, or something, drunk ***? Do you feel no limits? Played in a sun-like God? Considered himself the savior of the company? My company!

“To be honest ...” began Sergey, turning his tongue hard in his parched mouth.

- To be honest, you are ***, Seryozha. I entrusted you with a serious matter, I did it with my right hand, and did you take it upon me to slap the slaps with this hand?

“I just want ...”

- Yes, I do not care what you want there! - suddenly Kurchatov cried, still holding on. - I hired you! In his company hired! This is my business, my domain, my universe! I'm here Alpha and Omega, and you - no one! Fucking piece of stinky shit!

- As you say. - quietly, but with a hint of confidence in his voice, said Sergey. - On the first working day I will write a statement. You won't see me again.

- What? - Kurchatov made a squeamish face. - What, ***, statement? Wait ...

He suddenly seemed to remember something and thought. Sergey, who recalled the same a little earlier, was silently waiting for the development of events. Kurchatov thought intensely, drank his eyebrows, his lips nervously moved. Then he suddenly smiled.

- I remembered six salaries at dismissal.

- I do not insist. - Sergey shrugged his shoulders.

- Still you, ***, insisted. - smiled Kurchatov. - I ...

Kurchatov again thought. Sergey, who had been standing still on two legs, began to shift. The idea of ​​the impending dismissal more and more he liked.

- I'll give you three salaries. - Kurchatov said haughtily.

- No, thanks. - Sergey suddenly, not expecting such a thing from himself, weighed a real one, albeit a small curtsy. - Leave your pennies to yourself. I will not work with you, Evgeny Viktorovich.

Then sharply spun on his heel (probably leaving a black mark on the linoleum, to the delight of the cleaners) and left the office.

- Wait, we have not finished! - came Kurchatov's stern voice from behind.

But Sergei did not listen. He reached the office, thought for a second what to do with the computer, and resolutely pressed the shutdown button. After three seconds, the power LED went out.

- What happened?- quietly asked Lena, trying to sneak a peek at Sergei's eyes.

It was not so easy to do this, because the eyes were filled with tears, for the first time in twenty-five years, and Sergey hid them.

- Nothing.- as he could dryly answered, but his voice trembled.

I took a bag from the floor, pulled a jacket from the back of a chair, threw it over my shoulders and went to the exit.

- And the interview?

- Without me.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/437810/