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10 phrasal verbs for the negotiations in English

Phrasal verbs associated with the business are not one dozen. Some of them we discussed in the previous article , and there you will find verbs that relate to different aspects of the work. And today we will focus on the verbs that are used in the preparation and conduct of business meetings and negotiations.

1. Sit in and join in

The first meaning of the verb “to sit in” is not quite pleasant - it means “strike”. But the second value is quite appropriate, if you have been entrusted with the trainee's training and you want him to participate in the meeting, but only as an observer. In this case, the synonym for “sit in” is “to attend”, “to be present” . If you want to hear ideas and ideas from colleagues, invite them to participate in the discussion with the verb “to join in” , which is translated as “join”. Its synonym is “to participate” .

I would like to meet you.
Please join in and share your ideas.

2. Come around (Come round)

Not the most common verb - even in the Cambridge dictionary, there is a C2 mark next to it, which means that only people with the highest level of English can operate on this verb. So he, among other things, "change the view." In this regard, it is close to the expression “to change one's mind” and is also used to mean “to be persuaded” . This verb can be used if you initially disagreed with the argument or suggestion of your opponent, but, having thought carefully, changed your mind.

I have come around to your argument.

3. Point out

It would seem, why the verb “to mention” phrasal verb-synonym? But here it is, in spite of the fact that it is much easier to say “He mentioned it” or even “He said it” . The higher the level of knowledge of the language, the more such trifles arise. Of course, you can do without “He said it” , but you will sound much more natural if you use a phrasal verb. He also has the meaning of “underline something,” and in this case he is synonymous with the verbs “to emphasize” and “to accentuate” . And even a simple “show” can be replaced by this verb. If you need to tell someone the results of a meeting or negotiations, the verb “to point out” diversifies the sequence of “say” and “tell” .

The boss pointed out that productivity had declined.
He pointed out that we had two hours before dinner.
I should point out how risky it is.

4. Look forward to

Excellent verb to complete business meetings and official letters! True, the “to” in this verb confuses almost all Russian students. One should distinguish the infinitive particle “to” and the preposition “to” . In the sentence “I want to visit this city” you see the infinitive with the particle “to” . But if we say, for example, “I'm going to my parents for the weekend” , then here “to” will already be a pretext of the direction - “to”. In the “to look forward to” combination , this is also a preposition, and after the prepositions we always use the gerund (a special form of the verb with the ending –ing ). All this construction is translated as “looking forward to something.”

We are looking forward to cooperating with you.
I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.

5. Brush up (on) and go over

If you are preparing for a responsible event and you have prepared a speech or presentation, which you will recite by heart, then you will surely repeat your material more than once before introducing it to your partners or colleagues. Or there may be a situation when you send a representative to the meeting and want to repeat important points that need to be mentioned. In such cases, you can offer the person “to brush up (on) the material” or “to go over the material” . Both of these verbs mean “repeat”, “run over something again.” Verb synonyms - “to revise”, “to improve knowledge of”, “to practice” .

He decided to go over the presentation before the meeting.
Anna wants to brush up in Parisian office.

6. Think through and think out

If at the meeting you have to discuss the terms of the deal or any suggestions, but you cannot immediately give an answer, you can ask for time to think. The verb “to think through” is just for this purpose and is intended; it is synonymous with the word “to consider” . And the verb “think out” can replace it, especially in the passive voice with the meaning “thoughtful” (although “thought through” is used in this meaning).

We need some time to think it through.
Think it through first.
The scheme was well thought out.

7. Rule out and turn down

We continue the topic of conditions and offers at the negotiations. If you do not like either one or the other, you can refuse. The verb “to rule out” just means “exclude option”, “refuse”. The verb “to turn down” will be its synonym, it also means “to refuse”. You can replace them with the words “to refuse”, “to reject” and “to dismiss” .

We can’t rule out this proposal, it’s quite profitable in the long term.
I think we should not turn down his request.

8. Bring forward and put off

Circumstances are different. If you understand that the date or time of the meeting needs to be postponed, then you can write a letter to the partners or call with a corresponding request. The verbs “to bring forward” (move the meeting to an earlier time) and “to put off” (postpone the meeting to a later time) will be appropriate. By the way, the “to put the meeting back” option is also common in British English.

The meeting has been brought to this Thursday instead of next week.
We had to put the meeting off.
We had to put the meeting back a week.

9. Draw up

In the world of business in words, no one agrees. All agreements and other memoranda are recorded in writing, and there are responsible people who write the texts of such official papers. The verb “to draw up” will be useful for such people. It means “prepare in writing” and is used most often in conjunction with nouns that denote a document.

You will be able to agree on the contract.

10. Hand out

If you have to make a presentation, sometimes the slides on the screen are not enough, and you prepare prints for the audience with some information: schedules, cases and other things. Actually, the verb “to hand out” (“distribute”) has already passed into the category of nouns, and the word “a handout” has appeared . This verb, of course, sounds much better than the simple “give” .

With all the information included.

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Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/410635/