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The IT development plan according to the Ministry of Communications: digital sovereignty, blockchain in housing and utilities, software for "changed reality"

TargetFact 2017Forecast 2020Forecast 2025
The proportion of the number of employees in the IT industry in the number of employees by
economy, interest
Labor productivity in the IT industry, million rubles2.092.323.35
The volume of exports of computer and information services, billion dollars.3.545.458.33
The main indicators of the development of the IT industry in Russia

The TAdviser portal published the text of a project for the development of the Russian IT industry for 2019–2025 and for the future until 2030 (pdf) , which the Ministry of Communications sent to 22 departments, industry associations and several companies, the largest developers of Russian software.

The ministry lists all types of economic activities that are related to OKVED2 in the field of information technology. At the same time, she emphasizes that the scale of the influence of the information technology industry on the state significantly exceeds purely industry-wide effects, and the development of information technology is one of the most important factors contributing to solving the key tasks of the state policy of the Russian Federation:

“The development of the industry is necessary for the transition to a new post-industrial technological structure, which is based on the widespread introduction of IT achievements in all sectors of the economy (convergence of these sectors with IT). Communication and information retrieval using the Internet, remote (cloud) storage of information, as well as social networking have become an integral part of everyday life. ”

In addition to the transition to a post-industrial technological order, the authors of the Strategy set the goal of ensuring the digital sovereignty of Russia in the face of hostile actions by the enemy:

“The implementation of the Strategy will contribute to ensuring digital sovereignty, information security and a high level of the country's defense capability, including through the creation of domestic sanction-resistant products and modern means of responding and preventing global information threats, as well as by extending Russian security platform territories of friendly countries of Russia and increasing the degree of technological and educational integration with these countries ".

State of the art

In Russia, there are just over 1 million software developers and analysts, specialists in databases and networks. Their share in the total number of employees does not exceed 1.2%, the authors write in one place of the report, and in another place indicate that the number of employees in the Russian IT industry is 350 thousand people, that is, 0.5% of employees. It is not entirely clear how these figures are consistent with each other. Perhaps different parts of the Strategy were written by different authors.



At the same time, for a number of countries in Europe with a developed digital economy, but not being the leaders of world software exports (Finland, Sweden, Germany, France, Japan, etc.), this figure reaches 2–3.4%. "To achieve a leading position in the field of digitalization of the Russian economy, a significant increase in qualified IT personnel in the short term is required," concludes the ministry.

In 2017, the growth of the IT market (at constant prices) was 12%. The highest growth rates are shown by organizations involved in data processing, hosting and software development. In the structure of the industry’s products, about 45% are software development and testing services, 25% are data processing and hosting services.


At the end of 2017, the volume of exports of computer and information services exceeded $ 3.5 billion. The average annual growth rate of exports of products of the information technology industry over the past three years has been at 16%.

Russia's share in the global export of IT-services is 0.8%.

The Ministry of Communications and Mass Media notes the high positions of Russian system integrators who work in the global market. The share of Russian companies in the global IT services market is about 1.5%, and domestic companies are more concentrated in the high-tech project development sector, occupying 8 positions in the rating of 100 leading service companies in the world.

Future plans

The Ministry of Communications and Mass Media has determined the main directions for the implementation of the Strategy, taking into account the problems that are now visible (staff shortage):

The strategy also provides for the support of small business, that is, preferential loans and subsidies for Russian IT customers when purchasing domestic products and implementing projects to migrate their information systems from foreign to domestic solutions.

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Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/436856/