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The digest of interesting materials for the mobile # 283 developer (January 21 - 27)

Our new release tells about the anniversary Android 10, the end of Windows Phone and Windows Mobile, instant apps, the best apps, e-sports farming and new records.

Anniversary Android 10 (Q). What is known now?

More recently, the guys from XDA-developers looked under the hood of the leaked assembly of a new, not yet announced, version of Android. Let's see what they found there.

Windows Phone 8.1: Post development nostalgia. The history of one application

Being one time the owner of Nokia Lumia 925, I will tell about one of my handicrafts in the field of mobile development under Windows Phone 8.1.

This digest is available as a weekly newsletter . And every day we send news to Telegram channel .


(+9) Two percent of the “cat” or who photographed Master Yoda?
(+7) Core Data in details
(+5) Architectural pattern "Iterator" ("Iterator") in the universe of "Swift"
image How To Get To The App Store Feature
image How I Made The Apple Voice Memos Clone
image Assets performance calculator for Apple Search Ads
image Swift on Ubuntu Linux
Aiolos: floating panel


(+25) Pitfalls of development of Google Play Instant
(+17) 6 ways to hide data in an Android application
(+12) Application for iOS and Android on Kotlin + Flutter UI
(+7) Translucent on Android and adjustResize
Google hired an Apple developer to promote Fuchsia
Distribution of Android versions on the example of a real application
image Create a cardio tracker for Android
image Making a reactive Android app with Roxie
image Create instant games with Google Play Instant and Unity
image Android App Bundles Guide
image Event-based system on Android - RxJava and Kotlin
image AutoCompleteTextView Example
image Conclusions from the migration of a complex Android project to the Gradle Kotlin DSL
image We use static code analyzer in Android Studio
image Why these 5 popular startups rewrote their Android applications from Java to Kotlin
image Android ConstraintLayout - ConstraintHelpers Guide
image Customize Material Components on Android
InternalAppStore: own app store
StfalconFixturer: a developer and QA utility that helps minimize the time spent writing the same test data over and over


(+50) Microsoft stops supporting Windows 10 Mobile
(+26) Common mistakes when writing unit tests. Yandex lecture
(+14) How we made a mobile application that does not need a designer
(+13) Profile Unity project with Android Studio
(+12) # 10yearschallenge for programmers
(+10) Tiny components: what can go wrong? We use the principle of sole responsibility
(+8) Reports from DevFest SPB 2018
• The Hermitage will launch an application for queuing
12 SDK to create augmented reality applications
Yandex invites to the second Design Reverse
Podlodka # 95: Team Development
Pope has released an application for prayers
Programming Fonts: fonts for code
image Common mistakes of novice developers and how to avoid them
image Unmoderated remote UX testing on autopilot
image How to run a side project in 10 days
image Annual Stack Overflow Poll
image Tips for a mobile junior developer looking for a first job

Analytics, marketing and monetization

(+12) How retentioneering is implemented in the App in the Air
AppMetrica will help evaluate the effectiveness of remarketing campaigns
The best applications for women's health in the US
Most popular fintech applications
Top productivity apps in the US
Most Popular News Apps
Most popular shopping apps
Checklist for application monetization
Analysis of advertising costs for applications 2018 from Tenjin
Guide to monetization of games from deltaDNA
The creators of Farming Simulator open eSports league for € 250,000
Appodeal began to monetize games on the Unreal Engine
NEXT: the freight revolution
SimplyCook: Recipes and Spices
• The rating application for “blind” communication JigTalk received $ 1 million
In 2018 Odnoklassniki paid 3.2 billion rubles to game developers
How mobile search drives sales in regular stores
Mobile applications for business and enterprises
Minecraft Marketplace set a record
Top 7 mistakes that novices make in ASO
image Appsee Interview: Zoe Chavez from Splitwise
image User oriented application marketing

AI, Devices, IoT

(+63) Make a rating of Russian cities by road quality
(+59) What is wrong with Reinforcement Learning ?
(+32) AlphaStar - a new artificial intelligence system for StarCraft II from DeepMind (full translation)
(+31) Security of machine learning algorithms. Python attacks
(+29) Launch your neural network detector on the Raspberry Pi using the Neural Compute Stick and OpenVINO
(+28) How I taught the robot to run on videos from YouTube
(+17) The transfer of the Internet of things to Russian equipment has been postponed
(+2) opencv4arts: Draw my city, Vincent
SuperData: the XR market will grow by 442% by 2022
Mail.Ru Group launched an online course on Data Science
image Prototyping IoT with Firebase
image Search and classify intentions in Airbnb internal messages.
image How to make a bot for Discord

Previous Digest . If you have other interesting materials or you have found a mistake, please send it to the post office .

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/437696/