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VKontakte sues SearchFace photo search service

Representatives of the social network "Vkontakte" announced their intention to sue the SearchFace service. This service makes it possible to search for users of this social sphere from photos. “This service collects and uses their data without the prior consent of VC users. This is a gross violation of the rules "VKontakte", - said the press service.

The company announced the initiation of proceedings, which will protect the interests of users. For this purpose, “going to court and product updates that limit access to audience data” are being prepared.

The SearchFace service appeared on Tuesday, with its help you can search for social network users by photo. SearchFace finds users even with a changed appearance - for example, with glasses, a different hairstyle, with different facial expressions, etc. The basis of the service is a neural network trained for 500 million users of VC users.

According to representatives of the service, if the user wishes to delete his profile, he can contact the authors with a complaint, and they will be removed from the photo database. The authors of the development claim that they created SearchFace exclusively for educational purposes - this is how they study the possibilities of the algorithm. The goal is not worth it.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/440160/